Recipe of the Month - Golden Milk

 Golden Milk or Turmeric Milk, our favorite Indian drink, not only for its exceptional flavour but also for its powerful immune booster. It helps digestion, combats inflammation, improves liver function and heals our body in many ways! My kids, Sophie and Néo LOVE this drink. It has a warm and relaxing feeling once you drink it
Ingredients (you can find them in our Armatai’s box except for the milk and sugar!) Shop link in bio.
-4 cups of milk (cow’s or plant-based milk)
-1 tsp (table spoon) of Alleppey turmeric
-1 or 2 cinnamon sticks
-10-15 pieces of black pepper corn
-6-10 cardamom pods
-6-10 cloves
-2 tsp sugar
-2 tsp fresh ginger

Bring the milk to boil, add all spices except the turmeric, simmer for 3 to 5 minutes. Turn off the fire and add the turmeric. Stir and wait for a couple of minutes until fragrant and flavor.
Strain and enjoy this magic drink!